Friday, August 15, 2014

New Design Team Announcement and Saying Goodbye to Another!!!

Hello everyone and Happy Friday!!!!  It has been one crazy week weather wise here in the Sunshine State... With very little sun and a whole lot of thunder and lightning... Yikes!!!

I have a couple of announcements to make today: 
First, I am saying goodbye to the ladies over at Color Me Scrappy!  It has been a fun ride, but all good things must come to an end!  Thank you Tammy for having me... I truly appreciate my time there!!!

Now, when one door shuts, another one opens!!!  I was recently advised that I am on the new Design Team at Creative Embellishments!!!!! 

 Seriously.... I am honored to be part of such an AMAZING team filled with such wonderful talent (I think I need to step up my game)!!!!  Hahahahaha!!!!!  My term starts in October but you always see some their beautiful chipboard pieces on my projects so nothing is going to change there!!!  

Well gang...  Thanks so much for stopping in and have a LUCKY day :-)

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